Article 8 A trade union shall mobilize and educate workers to approach work with the attitude of being the master, to care for State and enterprise property and observe labour discipline and shall urge and organize workers to conscientiously complete production and work assignments. 第八条工会动员和教育职工以主人翁态度对待劳动,爱护国家和企业的财产,遵守劳动纪律,发动和组织职工努力完成生产任务和工作任务。
Labourers shall fulfil their labour tasks and improve their vocational skill, Follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics. 劳动者应当完成劳动任务,提高职业技能,执行劳动安全卫生规程,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德。
Exercise supervision over the employers with regard to the implementation of labour discipline and the laws and regulations. 对用人单位遵守劳动法律、规的情况进行监督。
They have the right to stop acts that violate the labour discipline and the laws and regulations and order the parties concerned to correct. 对违反劳动法律、法规的行为有权制止,并责令改正。
Mr. Blair told MPs and peers that Labour must maintain its discipline and continue to occupy the centre ground of politics. 布莱尔先生对工党议员及贵族们说,工党必须维持好党内纪律,继续在政治舞台上占据中心地位。
Mr Monti is popular in Davos because he stands for things that seem clearly reasonable to the other delegates there: labour market reform, budgetary discipline, European integration. 蒙蒂在达沃斯颇受欢迎,是因为他倡导的东西在其他代表眼里是非常合乎情理的:劳动力市场改革、预算纪律、欧洲一体化。
Good attitudes and habits should be cultivated: love of labour, readiness to observe discipline, the desire to make progress, and so on. 要有爱劳动、守纪律、求进步等好风气、好习惯。
And to educate staff and workers to observe labour discipline and work hard to fulfill the economic tasks of the venture. 教育职工遵守劳动纪律,努力完成企业的各项经济任务。
A clear political record, love of socialism and labour, readiness to observe discipline and a determination to study for the revolutionary cause& that is all we should require. 政治历史清楚,热爱社会主义,热爱劳动,遵守纪律,决心为革命学习,有这几条,就可以了。
Far from weakening discipline in battle and in army life, labour discipline in production actually strengthens it. 在生产中执行劳动纪律,不但不会减弱战斗纪律和军人生活纪律,反而会增强它们。
A worker has seriously violated labour discipline or the rules and regulations having been laid down by the employer. 严重违反劳动纪律或者用人单位规章制度的;
Any organization or individual shall have the right to inform and bring charges against any act that violates labour discipline and the laws and regulations. 任何组织和个人对于违反劳动法律、规的行为有权检举和控告。
Once a contract between labour and capital is concluded, the workers must observe labour discipline and the capitalists must be allowed to make some profit. 劳资间在订立契约后,工人必须遵守劳动纪律,必须使资本家有利可图。
Participating the investigation of quality, safety incidents and customer complaint, and implement the action plan. They have the right to stop acts that violate the labour discipline and the laws and regulations and order the parties concerned to correct. 参与质量、安全事件和客户投诉的调查,并负责改正活动的具体实行。对违反劳动法律、法规的行为有权制止,并责令改正。
Labour aesthetics and industrial relations belong to different discipline scales, but they have inner closing relations. 劳动美学与劳动关系学属于不同的学科范畴,但二者的内在关系非常密切。